Kelsey Wells Wants You To Know You Are ALWAYS Worthy

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April 4, 2022

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For most of us, wanting to be fit and healthy is all about wanting to feel good. Perhaps you want to build your confidence, go about your day with more energy, improve your sleep or simply experience those feel-good endorphins. Fitness is about feeling good - both inside and out.

While wanting to feel better is great motivation to eat well and move your body, it’s important to remember leading a healthy lifestyle doesn’t change your worth as a person. Whether you’re having the best day or your worst, Kelsey Wells wants you to know - you are ALWAYS worthy.

“You are always worthy and your worth is innate. It cannot and does not change based on your ability or inability to see it - or anyone else’s,” she says, explaining that the affirmations and gratitude exercises in her new 4-week program, Redefine Fitness: Strength and Mindfulness, are all about helping you to move your body with a positive mindset.

“Reminding people of how worthy they are is so meaningful and important to me because I didn’t believe that about myself for so long.”

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Grounded in gratitude

Kelsey explains that for years, she viewed exercise as a way to “fix” herself or to change the way she looked and this impacted her sense of worth. Now, her motivations to work out have changed and she is determined to help others learn how to move their body from a place of positivity and gratitude.

“I want you to tell yourself, as cheesy as it sounds or as uncomfortable as feels, that you are going to do each workout session out of gratitude for your body. Exercise shouldn’t be about trying to change your body or earn your worth, but to honour your body and remember your worth.”

Being worthy isn’t an empty check box to be ticked by eating healthy food or doing a workout. It’s something you just ARE.

“You are worthy and beautiful, not in a way that can be measured by the ever-changing beauty standards of society, but simply beautiful in who you are. You are worthy in spite of and because of the mistakes you’ve made, the challenges you’ve faced, and the burdens or heartache you carry.”

Redefine Fitness is available now in the Sweat app, and will have you doing four strength workouts alongside Kelsey each week, while she guides you through mindful breathing exercises, affirmations and moments of gratitude. 

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What motivates you to move?

As Kelsey opened up about her evolving relationship with exercise and began speaking regularly about using fitness as a tool for self-empowerment, she found herself being asked one question all the time. How? When you’re in a negative space and you’re using fitness to try and feel more worthy, how do you make that shift?

“I spent the better part of the last five years figuring out how, and I believe it all comes back to our intent - our motive for movement,” Kelsey says, explaining that anyone who is experiencing negative self-talk or struggling with their sense of worth should also seek the help of a trusted healthcare provider. 

“When we have been taught that our motive for exercise should be things like how we look, we have to get intentional about changing that and reminding ourselves that it’s not. I’m the first to admit that I used to think things like meditation and mindfulness were ‘woo-woo’ hippie stuff, but the research around the power of positive psychology is very real.”

If you’ve never tried affirmations before, it might feel uncomfortable and awkward at first, but it is something that has profoundly changed the way Kelsey works out and ultimately, positively impacted how she feels about herself.

Although the changes in Kelsey’s life and fitness journey have been gradual, her new program is a way for her to share the tools that have helped her with her community. So far, the response has been exactly what she hoped and Kelsey says she's been overwhelmed with messages from women who have found a new way to love and honour their bodies through their own Redefine Fitness journey. 

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Ready for your first workout?

If you’re looking to build a more positive relationship with your mind and body while building your strength, rediscover your why or simply want to try something new, this is the perfect opportunity. Start your journey alongside Kelsey today!

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A more empowered you starts with Sweat, and our editorial team is here to bring you the latest fitness tips, trainer recommendations, wellbeing news, nutritional advice, nourishing recipes and free workouts.


* Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. Sweat assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article.


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